Image: Games Workshop


These rules are required in all RP channels on SCAR Discord.

All roleplaying must be PG-13.

No 'Out of Character' information, discussion or interaction of any kind.

Tagging, emojis, reactions, images, or graphics of any kind is prohibited in the roleplay channels.

Please do not spam the roleplay channels with nonsense. Your narrative should accomplish something or tell us something about your character.

If your character wouldn't say or do it... then you should not be roleplaying it.

When roleplaying in Discord, you must make it evident which character your roleplay is specific to, by using that particular character's name in the roleplay text. You are not permitted to roleplay between your own active characters, as they cannot see one other while active. You are able to write roleplay between your active and a past or future family character, so long as no mechanical benefits are being gained by this, such as intel, items, secrets, etc. If that character is an NPC for something, please seek DM permission first.

Spells cannot be cast outside of game session if they affect another player negatively or impact the world in any way. It is easy to determine if this is the case: If a spell offers a saving throw or any sort, it cannot be cast outside of game session without DM permission. Limited use of other spells is fine within your own RP.

Roleplaying travel outside of town is not allowed without DM permission. This is because outside of quests, if you are leaving the residential areas, it requires a purpose and the expenditure of downtime. All RP will remain inside our residential towns.

You are allowed to RP with an NPC you have made up for the development of your own character. (A brother, a shopkeeper, a best friend, etc.) Just please ALWAYS keep in mind, this is YOUR story. Not theirs. The focus should always be you, and using the NPC as a ways to present more information about your character that would be difficult to learn otherwise.

Roleplay Etiquette

When creating your RP threads, they should be formatted nicely. Most threads will invoke a prose format, in which a third person, past-tense, point of view are preferred. You may also use present-tense, but should never use first person narrative.

Threads must be all italics, with character speech differentiated by quotes. Be aware that using other formats can be a bit confusing for players. All players should follow this format. An example is displayed below.

Bob strolled into the tavern and sat heavily down on at the bar as he tossed his hat to the side. "Ale please," he croaked, his voice raspy with thirst.

Separating by paragraphs at conversation breaks or at logical action breaks increases readability. Try not to post simple one-liners. That is, don't simply post "Joe the Paladin drinks an ale." Try to weave in some narrative.

Joe leaned his warhammer against the bar and sat, glancing around the room before he ordered a drink. It arrived quickly, and he grabbed the chill mug, downing the ale in a single large gulp before slamming it back down onto the counter.

Roleplay Advancement

As you gain levels in role-playing, you gain access to special RP Feats that you can obtain as you level. Contrary to Character XP, Roleplay XP is account-wide. Your RP level is unlocked for all characters, just make sure you have the appropriate character level to take the RP feat. Most of them have little bearing or weight to in-session game play, and most are cosmetic, roleplay or world building in how they are written, but gives a little bit extra flavor to your characters and how they are in the world.

You may pick ONE feat each RP level. Each character you have, can obtain a different feat. This must be tracked and documented in your Chronica character sheet in the Roleplay Feat fields.

RP Level 05: (Character Level 1+)
Token of Good Fortune
Free standard health potion, once per adventure. This disappears when the adventure is over.
RP Level 10: (Character Level 3+)
Bonded Companion
Gain access to one standard legally ride-able non-combat, non-flying exotic mount from the following: bear, elk, ox, camel, stag, giant lizard, wolf (sm), giant badger (sm), giant weasel (sm). This mount is bonded to you, and can be summoned once per day. If slain, it may be re-summoned by expending 2 Downtime Days.
Dirty Jobs
You work the multitude of dirty jobs no one wants, getting 100g a real-life week from working.
Expanded Learning
You can learn 1 tool, instrument, or language for no gold or downtime cost. (This is a one time use. Please post in #research-training and tag a DM.)
Research Advancement
Upon taking this feat, you may learn 2x Uncommon recipes for a tool you are proficient in. You can learn these recipes even if you are not yet Tier 2, but you cannot craft them yet. Please post in #research-training and tag a Loremaster.
RP Level 15: (Character Level 5+)
You can Hireling Help one magic item of uncommon quality to your shop each week, if profits allow. Ingredients must be provided.
Cut Costs
One uncommon item can be crafted at half the gold cost per real-life week. Use the command as normal and halve the gold cost afterwards. This applies to items up to 1000gp and below.
You gain the ability to expend 20 Downtime days, once per week, to pray to your god to gain +1 piety. This must be posted in #religion-prayer and a DM tagged.
Primary Scholarship
A generous benefactor has paid your way through school. You may graduate from one Primary school of choice without spending gold or downtime. This must be posted in #academics and a DM tagged. The chosen school can add the cost of a single primary tuition to their profits from the benefactor. (This is so the school does not lose income.)
RP Level 20: (Character Level 6+)
Double Up!
You now instead gain two Greater Health Potions at the start of each adventure. These disappear when the adventure is over, and replaces your RP Level 5 Healing Potion.
Filthy Jobs
You work the multitude of filthy jobs that no one wants, earning 200g a real-life week.
Ranch Baron
If you are the owner of a Land Venture, increase amount of Reserves produced by x2.
Rare Craftsman
One Rare item can be crafted at half the gold cost per real-life month. Use the command as normal and halve the gold cost afterwards. This applies to items 5k or below.
RP Level 25: (Character Level 7+)
Efficient Manager
Decrease upkeep to ONE Business you own by 20%.
You gain one rare magic item (subject to DM Approval) as an inheritance from a long lost relative, friend, or mysterious benefactor. (One time use. This Inheritance becomes soul bound: it can not be sold, traded, or given.) The item should be 5k or less, and have a recipe available on our site.
Ridin' In Style
You gain access to one non-combat vehicle of up to 10,000g cost, OR a special exotic non-combat, non-flying mount from the following: dire wolf, rhinoceros, saber-toothed tiger, mammoth, giant toad, large lion, giant hyena. DM approval required. This becomes soulbound and goes with you upon retirement.
Secondary Scholarship
A generous benefactor has paid your way through school. You may graduate from one Secondary school of choice without spending gold or downtime. This must be posted in #academics and a DM tagged. The chosen school can add the cost of a single secondary tuition to their profits from the benefactor. (This is so the school does not lose income.)
RP Level 30: (Character Level 8+)
Business Guru
You gain a Permanent +2 increase to ONE business for its income modifier, increasing the max from 20 to 22. This cannot be changed, even if the business closes.
Established Business
You gain a Permanent 10% increase to ONE business income. This cannot be changed, even if the business closes.
You gain a one-time use Darkwing the Deals Warlock coupon for 25% off a single item in the Bazaar. Please ping a DM upon use.
University Scholarship
A generous benefactor has paid your way through school. You may graduate from one University school of choice without spending gold or downtime. This must be posted in #academics and a DM tagged. The chosen school can add the cost of a single university tuition to their profits from the benefactor. (This is so the school does not lose income.)
RP Level 35, 40, 45, 50 (Character Level 10, 12, 14, 16)
Dollah-dollah Bills... I Mean Coins
You may choose a straight sack of coins, totaling 5,000gp. Add to your wealth and be done.
You may choose one additional RP feat from the list each time you gain this RP Level.
Faction Work
Spend 20 Faction Downtime and 20 Regular Downtime to earn 1 Faction Mission Credit. This can be done once per RL week and must be posted in #transactions with the downtime spent and tag a Dungeon Master.

Roleplay Channels

We have a multitude of roleplay channels on our Discord that are unlocked once you pass your character audit. This allows characters to "move" about the town and breaks up conversations into various areas around town. However we try to limit the number of channels, as it can be otherwise difficult to follow a conversation that is moving too frequently.

Only certain businesses require their own RP channel, the rest are free to RP within the corresponding street channel instead.

  • A Faction Stronghold or tavern will almost always get one, when asked or created. Eventually with server growth, we may begin to limit these further. But for now, they are usually accepted.
  • Other business types such as churches, gambling halls, hospitals, theaters, etc, have a purpose for multiple people coming and going for roleplay, and can constitute having a separate channel. This is up to the Loremasters and Dungeon Masters to decide, and will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.