Image: Joshua Raphael


Do you follow a deity for guidance or for power?

The deities listed in the tables below are accepted in SCAR. If there is a deity not listed that you wish to use, please ask in #ask-a-dm on our Discord.

Please note, the Dungeon Masters take deities into account during audits and quests. You should take a moment to research your chosen god, and make sure their beliefs and tenets are appropriate to your character. If your character continues to go against your god, you will stop earning piety and may lose access to certain piety rewards or divine boons.

Deity Alignment Domains Symbol
Akadi, goddess of airNTempestCloud
Amaunator, god of the sunLNLife, LightGolden sun
Asmodeus, god of indulgenceLEKnowledge, TrickeryThree inverted triangles arranged in a long triangle
Auril, goddess of winterNENature, TempestSix-pointed snowflake
Azuth , god of wizardryLNArcana, KnowledgeLeft hand pointing upward, outlined in fire
Bahamut, god of justiceLGLife, WarDragon's head in profile
Bane, god of tyrannyLEWarUpright black hand, thumb and fingers together
Beshaba, goddess of misfortuneCETrickeryBlack antlers
Bhaal, god of murderNEDeathSkull surrounded by ring of bloody droplets
Cat Lord, god of TabaxiCNTrickeryBright greenish-yellow cat eye with a crescent moon pupil
Chauntea, goddess of agricultureNGLifeSheaf of grain or a blooming rose over grain
Cyric, god of liesCETrickeryWhite jawless skull on black or purple sunburst
Deneir, god of writingNGArcana, KnowledgeLit candle above an open eye
Eldath, goddess of peaceNGLife, NatureWaterfall plunging into a still pool
Gond, god of craftNKnowledgeToothed cog with four spokes
Grumbar, god of earthNKnowledgeMountain
Gwaeron Windstrom, god of trackingNGKnowledge, NaturePaw print with a five-pointed star in its center
Helm, goddess of watchfulnessLNLife, LightStaring eye on upright left gauntlet
Hoar, god of revenge and retributionLNWarA coin with a two-faced head
Ilmater, god of enduranceLGLifeHands bound at the wrist with red cord
lstishia, god of waterNTempestWave
Jergal, scribe of the deadLNKnowledge, DeathA skull biting a scroll
Kelemvor, god of the deadLNDeathUpright skeletal arm holding balanced scales
Kossuth, god of fireNLightFlame
Lathander, god of dawn and renewalNGLife, LightRoad traveling into a sunrise
Leira, goddess of illusionCNTrickeryPoint-down triangle containing a swirl of mist
Lliira, goddess of joyCGLifeTriangle of three six-pointed stars
Loviatar, goddess of painLEDeathNine-tailed barbed scourge
Malar, god of the huntCENatureClawed paw
Mask, god of thievesCNTrickeryBlack mask
Mielikki, goddess of forestsNGNatureUnicorn's head
Milil, god of poetry and songNGLightFive-stringed harp made of leaves
Myrkul, god of deathNEDeathWhite human skull
Mystra, goddess of magicNGArcana, KnowledgeCircle of seven stars, nine stars encircling a flowing red mist, or a single star
Oghma, god of knowledgeNKnowledgeBlank scroll
The Raven QueenLNLife, DeathRaven's head, in profile, facing left
The Red Knight, goddess of strategyLNWarRed knight lanceboard piece with stars for eyes
Savras, god of divination and fateLNArcana, KnowledgeCrystal ball containing many kinds of eyes
Selune, goddess of the moonCGKnowledge, LifePair of eyes surrounded by seven stars
Shar, goddess of darkness and lossNEDeath, TrickeryBlack disk encircled with a purple border
Silvanus, god of wild natureNNatureOak leaf
Sune, goddess of love and beautyCGLife, LightFace of a beautiful red-haired woman
Talona, goddess of poison and diseaseCEDeathThree teardrops in a triangle
Talos, god of stormsCETempestThree lightning bolts radiating from a point
Tempus, god of warNWarUpright flaming sword
Torm, god of courage and self-sacrificeLGWarWhite right gauntlet
Tymora, goddess of good fortuneCGTrickeryFace-up coin
Tyr, god of justiceLGWarBalanced scales resting on a warhammer
Umberlee, goddess of the seaCETempestWave curling left and right
Valkur, North lander god of sailorsCGTempest, WarA cloud and three lightning bolts
Waukeen, goddess of tradeNKnowledge, TrickeryUpright coin with Waukeen's profile facing left

Drow Pantheon

Deity Alignment Domains Symbol
Eilistraee, goddess of song and moonlightCGLight, NatureSword-wielding dancing drow female silhouetted against the full moon
Kiaransalee, goddess of necromancyCEArcanaFemale drow hand wearing many silver rings
Lolth , goddess of spidersCETrickerySpider
Selvetarm, god of warriorsCEWarSpider over crossed sword-and-mace
Vhaeraun, god of thievesCETrickeryBlack mask with blue glass lenses inset over eyes

Dwarven Pantheon

Deity Alignment Domains Symbol
Abbathor, god of greedNETrickeryJeweled dagger, point-down
Berronar Truesilver, goddess of hearth and homeLGLife, LightIntertwined silver rings
Clangeddin Silverbeard, god of warLGWarTwo cCrossed nattle axes
Deep Duerra, duergar goddess of conquest and psionicsLEArcana, WarMind flayer skull
Dugmaren Brightmantle, god of discoveryCGKnowledgeOpen book
Dumathoin, god of buried secretsNDeath, KnowledgeMountain silhouette with a central gemstone
Gorm Gulthyn, god of vigilanceLGWarBronze half-mask
Haela Bightaxe, goddess of war-luckCGWarUpright sword whose blade is spiraled in flame
Laduguer, duergar god of magic and slaveryLEArcana, DeathBroken arrow
Marthammor Duin, god of wanderersNGNature, TrickeryUpright mace in front of a tall boot
Moradin, god of creationLGKnowledgeHammer and anvil
Sharindlar, goddess of healingCGLifeBurning needle
Vergadain, god of luck and wealthNTrickeryGold coin with face of a dwarf

Elven Pantheon

Deity Alignment Domains Symbol
Aerdrie Faenya, goddess of the skyCGTempest, TrickeryBird silhouetted against a cloud
Angharradh, triple goddess of wisdomCGKnowledge, LifeTriangle with three interlocking circles within and protection
Corellon Larethian, god of art and magicCGArcana, LightCrescent moon
Deep Sashelas, god of the seaCGNatureDolphin
Erevan llesere, god of mischiefCNTrickeryAsymmetrical eight-armed star
Fenmarel Mestarine, god of outcastsCNTrickeryTwo peering elven eyes
Hanali Celanil, goddess of love and beautyCGLifeGolden heart
Labelas Enoreth, god of time, history, and philosophyCGArcana, KnowledgeSetting sun
Rillifane Rallathil, god of natureCGNatureOak
Sehanine Moonbow, goddess of divination, dreams, travel , and deathCGKnowledgeFull moon under a moon bow
Shevarash, god of vengeanceCNWarBroken arrow over a tear
Solonor Thelandira, god of archeryCGWarSilver arrow with green fletching

Gnomish Pantheon

Deity Alignment Domains Symbol
Baervan Wildwanderer, god of woodlandsNGNatureFace of a raccoon
Baravar Cloakshadow, god of illusion and deceptionNGArcana, TrickeryDagger against a hooded cloak
Callarduran Smoothhands, god of mining and carving stoneNKnowledge, NatureGolden signet ring with six-pointed star
Flandal Steelskin, god of metalworkNGKnowledgeFlaming hammer
Gaerdal Ironhand, god of protectionLGWarIron band
Garl Glittergold, god of trickery and gemsLGTrickeryGold nugget
Nebelun, god of invention and luckCGKnowledge, TrickeryBellows and a lizard tail
Segojan Earthcaller, god of earth and the deadNGLightGlowing gemstone
Urdlen, god of greed and murderCEDeath, WarWhite clawed mole emerging from ground

Goliath Pantheon

Deity Alignment Domains Symbol
Kavaki, the Ram-Lord, guardian and creator deity of the goliaths N War, Life, Protection, Justice Gold ram-horn bangle with rubies
Kuliak, the Dead Goddess, goddess of dead and exiles N Death, Grave, Arcana, Repose Carved bone bracelet with black twisted ram horn
Manethak, the Wise Hunter, god of hunting and knowledge N Nature, Knowledge, Trickery Silver cuff bracelet with hoof prints
Naki-Uthai, the Brave Climber, god of mountains, climbing, bravery N Light, Nature, Protection Flat stone carved with a gold grappling hook
Theleya, the Fertile One, goddess of fertility and growth N Nature, Life Gold circlet adorned with strawberries
Vanua, the Harbringer of Woe, god of natural disasters and misfortune N Tempest, Trickery, Destruction Armband of leather or hide, decorated with a mountain on fire

Halfling Pantheon

Deity Alignment Domains Symbol
Arvoreen, god of vigilance and warLGWarCrossed short swords
Brandobaris, god of thievery and adventureNTrickeryHalfling footprint
Cyrrollalee, goddess of hearth and homeLGLifeAn open door
Sheela Peryroyl, goddess of agriculture and weatherNNature, TempestFlower
Urogalan, god of earth and deathLNDeath, KnowledgeSilhouette of a dog's head
Yondalla, goddess of fertility and protectionLGLifeCornucopia on a shield

Orc Pantheon

Deity Alignment Domains Symbol
Bahgtru, god of strengthLEWarBroken thigh bone
Gruumsh, god of storms and warCETempest, WarUnblinking eye
Ilneval, god of strategy and hordesLEWarUpright blood-spattered sword
Luthic, mother-goddess of fertility and healingLELife, NatureOrcish rune meaning "cave entrance
Shargaas, god of stealth and darknessNETrickeryRed crescent moon with a skull between the moon's horns
Yurtrus, god of death and diseaseNEDeathWhite hand, palm outward