Image: Joshua Raphael


Do you follow a deity for guidance or for power?

The deities below are accepted in SCAR. If there is a deity not listed that you wish to use, please ask in #ask-a-dm on our Discord. Note, we take deities into account during audits and quests. Please take a moment to research your chosen deity, and ensure their tenets are appropriate to your character. If your character goes too far against your deity's beliefs, you may stop earning piety or lose access to divine boons.

Deity Pantheon Alignment Domains Symbol
god of greed
Dwarf NE Trickery Jeweled dagger, point-down
Aerdrie Faenya
goddess of the sky
Elf CG Tempest Trickery Life Bird silhouetted against a cloud
goddess of air
Primordial N Tempest Cloud
god of the sun
Common LN Life Light Golden sun
triple goddess of wisdom
Elf CG Knowledge Life Protection War Peace Triangle with three interlocking circles within and protection
god of vigilance and war
Halfling LG War Protection Crossed short swords
god of indulgence
Common LE Knowledge Trickery Order Three inverted triangles arranged in a long triangle
goddess of winter
Common NE Nature Tempest Six-pointed snowflake
god of wizardry
Common LN Arcana Knowledge Left hand pointing upward, outlined in fire
Baervan Wildwanderer
god of woodlands
Gnome NG Nature Face of a raccoon
god of justice
Common LG Life War Protection Dragon's head in profile
god of strength
Orc LE War Broken thigh bone
god of tyranny
Common LE War Order Upright black hand, thumb and fingers together
Baravar Cloakshadow
god of illusion and deception
Gnome NG Arcana Trickery Dagger against a hooded cloak
Berronar Truesilver
goddess of hearth and home
Dwarf LG Life Light Peace Festus Intertwined silver rings
goddess of misfortune
Common CE Trickery Black antlers
god of murder
Common NE Death Skull surrounded by ring of bloody droplets
god of thievery and adventure
Halfling N Trickery Halfling footprint
Callarduran Smoothhands
god of mining and carving stone
Gnome N Knowledge Nature Golden signet ring with six-pointed star
Cat Lord
god of Tabaxi
Common CN Trickery Bright greenish-yellow cat eye with a crescent moon pupil
goddess of agriculture
Common NG Life Festus Sheaf of grain or a blooming rose over grain
Clangeddin Silverbeard
god of war
Dwarf LG War Two crossed battle axes
Corellon Larethian
got of art and magic
Elf CG Arcana Light Life War Crescent moon
god of lies
Common CE Trickery White jawless skull on black or purple sunburst
goddess of hearth and home
Halfling LG Life Peace Festus An open door
Deep Duerra
duergar goddess of conquest and psionics
Dwarf LE Arcana War Knowledge Mind flayer skull
Deep Sashelas
god of the sea
Elf CG Nature Knowledge Tempest Dolphin
god of writing
Common NG Arcana Knowledge Lit candle above an open eye
Dugmaren Brightmantle
god of discovery
Dwarf CG Knowledge Open book
god of buried secrets
Dwarf N Death Knowledge Grave Mountain silhouette with a central gemstone
goddess of song and moonlight
Drow CG Light Nature Life Sword-wielding dancing drow female silhouetted against the full moon
goddess of peace
Common NG Life Nature Peace Waterfall plunging into a still pool
Erevan llesere
god of mischief
Elf CN Trickery Asymmetrical eight-armed star
Fenmarel Mestarine
god of outcasts
Elf CN Trickery Nature Two peering elven eyes
Flandal Steelskin
god of metalwork
Gnome NG Knowledge Forge Flaming hammer
Gaerdal Ironhand
god of protection
Gnome LG War Protection Iron band
Garl Glittergold
god of trickery and gems
Gnome LG Trickery Gold nugget
god of craft
Common N Knowledge Forge Toothed cog with four spokes
Gorm Gulthyn
god of vigilance
Dwarf LG War Protection Bronze half-mask
god of elemental earth
Primordial N Knowledge Mountain
god of storms and war
Orc CE Tempest War Unblinking eye
Gwaeron Windstrom
god of tracking
Common NG Knowledge Nature Forge Paw print with a five-pointed star in its center
Haela Brightaxe
goddess of war-luck
Dwarf CG War Upright sword whose blade is spiraled in flame
Hanali Celanil
goddess of love and beauty
Elf CG Life Golden heart
god of revenge and retribution
Common LN War A coin with a two-faced head
god of endurance
Common LG Life Protection Twilight Hands bound at the wrist with red cord
god of strategy and hordes
Orc LE War Upright blood-spattered sword
god of elemental water
Primordial N Tempest Wave
scribe of the dead
Common LN Knowledge Death Grave A skull biting a scroll
Kavaki, the Ram-Lord
creator and guardian of the goliaths
Goliath N War Life Protection Gold ram-horn bangle with rubies
god of the dead
Common LN Death Grave Upright skeletal arm holding balanced scales
goddess of necromancy
Drow CE Arcana Death Female drow hand wearing many silver rings
god of elemental fire
Primordial N Light Flame
Kuliak, the Dead Goddess
goddess of mountain springs
Goliath N Death Grave Arcana Carved bone bracelet with black twisted ram horn
Labelas Enoreth
god of time, history, and philosophy
Elf CG Arcana Knowledge Life Setting sun
duergar god of magic and slavery
Dwarf LE Arcana Death Broken arrow
god of dawn and renewal
Common NG Life Light Festus Road traveling into a sunrise
goddess of illusion
Common CN Trickery Point-down triangle containing a swirl of mist
goddess of joy
Common CG Life Triangle of three six-pointed stars
Llylac (Helm)
goddess of watchfulness
Common LN Life Light Protection Twilight Blooming red rose on upright left gauntlet
goddess of spiders
Drow CE Trickery War Spider
goddess of pain
Common LE Death Nine-tailed barbed scourge
mother-goddess of fertility and healing
Orc LE Life Nature Orcish rune meaning "cave entrance"
god of the hunt
Common CE Nature Clawed paw
Manethak, the Wise Hunter
goliath god of the hunt
Goliath N Nature Knowledge Trickery Silver cuff bracelet with hoof prints
Marthammor Duin
god of wanderers
Dwarf NG Nature Trickery Upright mace in front of a tall boot
god of thieves
Common CN Trickery Black mask
goddess of forests
Common NG Nature Unicorn's head
god of poetry and song
Common NG Light Five-stringed harp made of leaves
god of creation
Dwarf LG Knowledge Forge Hammer and anvil
god of death
Common NE Death Grave White human skull
goddess of magic
Common NG Arcana Knowledge Circle of seven stars, nine stars encircling a flowing red mist, or a single star
Naki-Uthai, the Brave Climber
goliath god of climbing
Goliath N Light Nature Protection Flat stone carved with a gold grappling hook
god of intervention and luck
Gnome CG Knowledge Trickery Forge Bellows and a lizard tail
god of knowledge
Common N Knowledge Arcana Blank scroll
Raven Queen
goddess of death and fate
Common LN Life Death Grave Raven's head, in profile, facing left
Red Knight
goddess of strategy
Common LN War Red knight lanceboard piece with stars for eyes
Rillifane Rallathil
god of nature
Elf CG Nature Oak
god of divination and fate
Common LN Arcana Knowledge Crystal ball containing many kinds of eyes
Segojan Earthcaller
god of earth and the dead
Gnome NG Light Grave Glowing gemstone
Sehanine Moonbow
goddess of divination, dreams, travel, and death
Elf CG Knowledge Grave Light Full moon under a moon bow
goddess of the moon
Common CG Knowledge Life Twilight Pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars
god of warriors
Drow CE War Spider over crossed sword-and-mace
goddess of darkness and loss
Common NE Death Trickery Black disk encircled with a purple border
god of stealth and darkness
Orc NE Trickery Red crescent moon with a skull between the moon's horns
goddess of healing
Dwarf CG Life Burning needle
Sheela Peryroyl
goddess of agriculture and weather
Halfling N Nature Tempest Flower
god of vengeance
Elf CN War Broken arrow over a tear
god of wild nature
Common N Nature Oak leaf
Solonor Thelandira
god of archery
Elf CG War Nature Silver arrow with green fletching
goddess of love and beauty
Common CG Life Light Face of a beautiful red-haired woman
goddess of poison and disease
Common CE Death Three teardrops in a triangle
god of storms
Common CE Tempest Three lightning bolts radiating from a point
god of war
Common N War Upright flaming sword
Theleya, the Fertile One
goliath goddess of fertility and growth
Goliath N Nature Life Festus Gold circlet adorned with strawberries
god of courage and self-sacrifice
Common LG War Protection White right gauntlet
goddess of good fortune
Common CG Trickery Face-up coin
god of justice
Common LG War Order Balanced scales resting on a warhammer
goddess of the sea
Common CE Tempest Wave curling left and right
god of greed and murder
Gnome CE Death War White clawed mole emerging from ground
god of earth and death
Halfling LN Death Knowledge Grave Silhouette of a dog's head
Northlander god of sailors
Common CG Tempest War A cloud and three lightning bolts
Vanua, the Harbringer of Woe
goliath god of disasters
Goliath N Destruction Tempest Trickery Armband of leather or hide, decorated with a mountain on fire
god of luck and wealth
Dwarf N Trickery Gold coin with face of a dwarf
god of thieves
Drow CE Trickery War Black mask with blue glass lenses inset over eyes
goddess of trade
Common N Trickery Knowledge Upright coin with Waukeen's profile facing left
goddess of fertility and protection
Halfling LG Life Festus Twilight Protection Cornucopia on a shield
god of death and disease
Orc NE Death Grave White hand, palm outward