Image: Mati@Inkarnate


The world within SCAR is a varied pot of soup.

This page has references for character creation to see which races can reasonably mix with others. It is useful if you are including details of your family within your character backstories, to know what might be possible for parentage or siblings.

We realize some of the available pairings below are unlikely to be entirely compatible, but decided on a set of global rules that apply mostly across the board per type instead of being too limiting. We urge you to consider dynamics when making pairings in order for it to provide a sensible story.

Legacy Offspring

In the case of Heroes having offspring, this page will be used to roll for what children are created. This is mandatory when creating Hero children, called Legacy Offspring. If you would like more free range when creating a character, you can do so outside of Hero family lines without restriction. For full information, see the section below the table.

Offspring Table

Use the table below to reference either possible parentage for characters you are creating, or to see what you will roll for Legacy Offspring. See more information below the table.

Not Compatible 50% Parent A / 50% Parent B 20% Human / 40% Parent A / 40% Parent B Special Situation (see notes)
Race Classifications
  • Humanoid. These are humans and special humans affected by some kind of magic or circumstance. They generally have the best chances of mixing together.
  • Half-human. These are races that are roughly half-human or adapted from human heritage, having the chance to produce human offspring.
  • Human-like. These are unique races, but are very close, anatomically, to humans. These are one step removed from humans, and can generally mix, though their offspring will usually only produce one parent or the other; not a mixture.
  • Beast-like. While still humanoid, they have some kind of animalistic heritage, which makes them a bit more distant. These races can only reproduce with themselves.
  • Construct. If these weren't player races, they would probably be categorized as constructs. They do not reproduce biologically.

Special Races Text

The celestial touch of an aasimar is not inherited within a family, but is intead bestowed by higher powers. Potential pairings are determined by the aasimar's own heritage. For example, if an aasimar has human parents, you would follow the chart for human pairings.

While androgynous forms are incapable of producing children, female Assistants can actually incubate young, though children will always be the race of the male parent. Male Assistants can likewise produce young with a viable female, though the children will always be the race of the female parent. Two Assistants cannot procreate together.

Dhampir have an incredibly difficult time conceiving children, making it very unlikely that they reproduce. Dhampir have a 5% chance of producing a child. This means if you decide to attempt a Legacy Offspring, you will need to follow the rules below, except the first roll you will do after tagging a Dungeon Master is a 1d20. On a natural 20, you were successful in a child. On anything else, your Dhampir was not successful and cannot have children naturally.

Errant can produce young, though the child will always be the race of the non-errant parent. Two errant cannot procreate together, as their race is cursed and muted, and not born naturally.

Ethereans are humans with a touch of death. Their genes will act as human 94% of the time, only passing on the touch of death 6% of the time. Follow the Human row on the chart to determine viability with another race and roll for the race as if the Etherean is a Human. If the offspring race is decided as Human, roll another 1d100. On a 1-6, the offspring is born Etherean with the touch of death. On a 7-100, they are Human.

Fey debt is passed down through a family, and not bred. Only one person bears the debt at a time. Potential pairings are determined by the Feyling's own origin race, and is treated as that race, not as a Feyling.

Ononi can produce young, though the child will always be the race of the non-ononi parent. Two ononi cannot procreate together, as their race is not born naturally.

Spellborn is a recessive gene created by survivors changed by the Spellplague. It skips generations and rarely presents itself, as the race is quite small. Spellborn have a 20% chance of being born, regardless of the pairing. Follow the Human row on the chart to determine viability with another race and roll for the race as if the Spellborn is a Human. If the offspring race is decided as Human, roll another 1d100. On a 1-20, the offspring is born Spellborn. On a 21-100, they are Human.

More Information

Aasimar can arise among nearly population of humanoid mortals. They generally resemble their parents, but they live for up to 160 years and often have features that hint at their Celestial heritage.

Wherever humans live, changelings often reside, though tend to go unnoticed.

Dhampirs typically cannot sire or bear children themselves, although there are rare exceptions to this-- typically aided by powerful magic.

Although dragonborn of different color ancestries can interbreed between them, it is generally believed that dragonborn cannot breed with members of different humanoid species.

Elven culture is so long-living, that their family dynamics and lives are very different from humans. They do not reproduce nearly as often, or have as many children on average. Siblings could be decades or even centuries apart. While they may physically mature at a similar rate to humans, they are seen as children in the eyes of society until around 100 years old.

They are able to reproduce just as humans are, though any offspring tend to be either human or the other parent race. There is only a roughly 6% chance to pass on their "touch of death" to their children, who are then born with a similar ghostlike appearance, and visions of the Beyond in their infant dreams.

Feylings can come from a handful races, though tend to be primarily from humans, elves, and half-elves who have closer dealings with the fey... Available origins: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Halfling, Half-orc, Human. These are used when determining offspring as well.

Some genasi are born of mortal–genie unions, others have two genasi as parents, and a rare few have a genie further up their family tree, manifesting an elemental heritage that’s lain dormant for generations.

Giantkin are a race of humanoid creatures descended (sometimes more distantly) from giants.

NOTE: A pairing between a Human and an Elf will 100% of the time result in a Half-elf.

A Kalashtar offspring will always be the same gender as the Kalashtar parent. This means first, you will roll for the race normally as noted below in the directions. Should your offspring be a Kalashtar, you do not need to roll for biological gender, as the offspring will be the same gender as the Kalashtar.

Shifters are sometimes called the weretouched, as many believe they are the descendants of humans and lycanthropes. Whatever their origins, shifters have evolved into a unique race. They are humanoids with a bestial aspect.

Tieflings are derived from human bloodlines, and in the broadest possible sense, they still look human. However, their infernal⁠ heritage has left a clear imprint on their appearance.

While not entirely clear, many believe the trollblood to be descendants of human worshipers of Vaprak, who were given troll features and abilities as a gift for their devotion. The trollblood people despise this history, as it paints them as evil and aggressively violent.

Legacy Offspring

Heroes often have relationships during their careers, which could result in offspring once those characters retire. In the case of these children of Heroes, they are determined as most other things in gameplay: by rolling dice. These offspring do not need to become future characters, but they can be. However, the dice will determine the race, and biological gender, etc. If you would like more free range when creating a character, you can do so outside of Hero family lines without restriction.

How to Roll

1. Reference the table to denote which colored block your pairing falls under. That will tell you what to roll. Ensure you read any Special notes or Extra Information notes, as some races have particular events or circumstances to create offspring. Please note, unless the race page says otherwise, offspring can only come from a biological male x biological female couple.

Not Compatible These pairings are not compatible, and will not make offspring.

50% Parent A / 50% Parent B Green will result in an even chance between the Parent A and Parent B. Roll a 1d100 in #dice-rolls. On a 1-50, the child is the race of the Mother. On a 51-100, the child is the race of the Father.

20% Human / 40% Parent A / 40% Parent B Blue may result in either Parent A or Parent B, but also has a small chance of the offspring being Human. Roll a 1d100 in #dice-rolls. On a 1-20, the child is Human. On a 21-60, the child is the race of the Mother. On a 61-100, the child is the race of the Father.

Special Situation (see notes) Gray is a special situation. Please see roll instructions in the Special Races Text above.

2. Once you have figured out the statistics required for rolling, tag a @DungeonMaster in #dice-rolls, denoting the characters in question. Note, these characters must be retired. You cannot actively have new children during your character career. The average family is between 1-3 offspring. Consider the dynamic as you are developing your family. We urge players to allow the dice to tell a story, versus rolling more offspring to get the "combo" you desire. Characters can always be created outside of Hero lineages without restriction.

3. Roll! :) First you roll the Race for each offspring, then you roll the Biological Gender for each offspring. This is done with a 1d2. On a 1, they are a biological girl, on a 2, they are a biological boy. Please record your character lineage results somewhere, and congratulations on your family. Rolled offspring are not required to become future Heroes, but we generally encourage they have a place in whatever story you are telling.

TWINS? If you would like to try for twins, you may roll a 1d20 before rolling each offspring. On a natural 20, you can opt to have twins instead. Looking for triplets? If you roll a natural 20 to get twins, you can roll a second 1d20, and on a second natural 20, you can turn your twins into triplets.