Image: Unknown

Druid Forms

Lions, Tigers, Bears, Oh my!

As we have druids from all over the Sword Coast and beyond, we have some base templates ready to go so you know what forms you have access to right away for your Wild Shape. Normally as per the book, using Wild Shape "the Druid can turn into a beast that they have seen before." This works great for Home games, as they are more concise and linear. For SCAR's West Marches style, we have additional mechanics that apply, in order for DMs to be able to track these.

Keep in mind with the lists below, the rules for CR limitations still apply as normal.

Starting Forms

  • Arctic
  • Brown Bear
  • Giant Owl
  • Owl
  • Snow Fox
  • Wolf
  • Coast
  • Crab
  • Eagle
  • Giant Crab
  • Giant Eagle
  • Giant Wolf Spider
  • Desert
  • Blood Hawk
  • Hyena
  • Lion
  • Lizard
  • Scorpion
  • Forest
  • Boar
  • Brown Bear
  • Giant Weasel
  • Owl
  • Rabbit
  • Wolf
  • Grasslands
  • Deer
  • Giant Eagle
  • Giant Hyena
  • Ox
  • Wolf
  • Mountain
  • Eagle
  • Elk
  • Giant Goat
  • Giant Vulture
  • Goat
  • Wolf
  • Swamp
  • Crocodile
  • Giant Poisonous Snake
  • Giant Toad
  • Poisonous Snake
  • Raven
  • Caves / Underdark
  • Giant Bat
  • Giant Centipede
  • Giant Fire Beetle
  • Giant Rat
  • Giant Spider

Learning a New Form

To learn a new Wild Shape Form, a druid must spend time studying the beast to learn its form. If a beast is seen during a quest, the druid may return after the quest and expend downtime learning the new form. You will need to use the command upon your return before you can shape shift into it. This is considered time spent studying the creature's anatomy and habits. All druids start with a base list of forms that originate from the area your character is from.

Using the /recover command, druids must expend a number of days equal to (4 + beast CR). If the CR is less than 1, it counts as 0. For example, if you are attempting to learn the Panther shape, with a beast CR of 1/4, it would cost 4 total days (4 + 0).

NOTE: Forms are to be tracked in the Flair section of Chronica, on your character profile. Create a Flair called "Druid Forms" and list out each form you learn, the date you learned it, and where it was seen please.


Use the following command to expend downtime days in order to learn a new wild shape form.

Command: /recover [which-character] [days]
Cost: However many days you need to recover as per (4 + beast CR).
Location: #casting-scribing

[# of days]

This is how many days you need to spend recovering. Use the following to determine: (4 + beast CR). If the CR is less than 1, it counts as 0.


This is the name of your character without spaces.

[wild shape form]

After the command has run, please add a note regarding which wild shape form was learned.

/recover Main 4
@User spends 4 downtime days to recover and relax.
> User learned panther wild shape form.