D&D 5e Playable Race SCAR server: Lupin Image: just-Rascal


Source: Convel & Wolffolk Homebrew (SCAR Version)

Lupins are canine humanoids. While a few sages believe the creatures descended from a cross between gnolls and humans, many others argue that they are an offshoot of true werewolves (although lupins abhor all types of lycanthropes). Once nomads, lupins have established a fairly advanced civilization in the kingdom of Renardy.

When it comes to contemplation and quiet perspective, denizens of the Sword Coast need look no further than lupin. Strongly bonded to family and driven to the pursuit of improving themselves through various mental pursuits, lupin live up to their name. Source: D&D Wiki Homebrew (Convel) and D&D Wiki Homebrew (Wolffolk). Content from both sources is used.

Strong Minds, Lean Builds

Lupin look human in general shape and build. They stand around five and a half to six feet tall, with male lupin being a few inches taller. They are not very muscular, but have a lean build. They have wolf-shaped heads, with low hanging tails that match the fur that lines their bodies. The fur on their bodies tends to be a bit thicker than other beastfolk due to their acclimation for northern climates. Their fur color is various, but generally turns grey as they get older.

Quiet and Calculating

Lupin are contemplative and careful in their speech. They really do look before they leap, and it is not unheard of for people to seek out lupin for advice, or even to hire them for such a function. Though they rarely accept it, lupin do enjoy any kind of mental challenge, be it magic, politics, inventions, or math equations, and these lupin are commonly recruited into guilds and scholarly circles.

Though quiet in speech, lupin are not afraid to speak their mind when it is needed. They simply wait for the right moment, when they know their words and ideas will have the most value. It's not uncommon for people to quiet themselves to allow a lupin to speak. This lends them a cunning air, with a calm that exudes a serene outlook. This, in turn, gives them mixed relations with different people. Sages and scholars relish the opportunity to discuss the matter of great import with lupin, but those with simpler minds or a more oblivious outlook find them stuffy and arrogant.

The Pursuit of Perfection

Lupin are driven to improve themselves through intense mental pursuits. They have a grasp over simple magical and mental skills at the very least, and the pursuit of greater skills in these areas inevitably will draw lupin away from home to seek a life of adventure. Though leaving their family and former life is not something they do lightly, seeking the greatest of the world's magic is too enticing for a lupin to pass up, and that exceptional lupin who leave home are usually encouraged to leave to pursue the perfection of their art.

Physical Description

Big, strong, fast, lethal and wise, lupin are humanoids with the wolf face and their whole body covered by fur. Their feet and hands are similar to those of the paws of their wolf ancestors, but their hands have evolved to be able to hold items.


The lupin are a race that swore to defend their clan at all costs. Few can remember how they came about but the pack elders say that it was during a time of great turmoil in the world that their kind were brought about. The elders tell stories of great battles, with both victories and defeats, and to these stories the younglings listen most eagerly.


Even with their brutal appearances they are a people who cherish the lives of all good creatures and defend them as if they were their own. Their society functions much like the humans, however they only kill another of their kind in ritualistic situations or in self-defense or if their fellow lupin has succumbed to evil.

Lupin Names

A lupin's name is a rite of passage. A special ceremony is held to give a young wolf their name when they are old enough to finally help provide food and protection for the clan. As such, their names are neither male, nor female as to not show favor to either sex.

Lupin Traits

Your Lupin character has the following racial Traits.

Age. Lupin mature at 16 years of age, and live to be around 80 years old.

Alignment. With a strong bond to protect their fellow kin, lupin tend to lean towards good. Evil lupin are rarely heard of.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Size. An average lupin stands roughly 6'5" tall, but they are capable of reaching nearly 7 feet in height. Your size is Medium.

Lupine Senses. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that really on hearing or smell.

Bite. Your teeth can be used as natural melee weapons, dealing 1d6 piercing damage plus your Strength modifier.

Renardy Origins. You gain proficiency in History and Survival.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and your choice between Dwarvish or Elvish. Many lupin are from the northern mountain range, encountering dwarves very regularly. Others live in the more open plainslands.

Subrace. The lupin have evolved into four subraces, each with their own culture of Lupus, Lycaon, Rufus, or Simensis. Choose one of these for your character.

Lupus (Subrace)

Source: Convel & Wolffolk Homebrew (SCAR Version)

These lupin are naturally bigger in muscle mass and stronger. Their teeth are also very large and many have golden eyes.

Intimidating Howl. As a bonus action, you can give a loud, menacing howl. Creatures 60 feet of you must attempt a Wisdom saving throw with a DC of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier. A creature automatically succeeds if it cannot hear or see you. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened until the end of their next turn. On success, they become immune to this trait's effect for the next 24 hours. You may use this a number of times per long rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

Lycaon (Subrace)

Source: Convel & Wolffolk Homebrew (SCAR Version)

Lycaon have smaller fangs than other lupin and are generally more demure, with soft grey colored pelts.

Tribal Primal Magic. You are tuned to the primal magics of your people. You gain the Druidcraft Cantrip. Starting at 3rd Level, you can cast the Detect Magic spell with this trait, without requiring a material component. Starting at 5th Level, you can also cast the Enhanced Ability spell with this trait, without requiring a material component. Once you cast Detect Magic or Enhanced Ability with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast either of those Spells using any Spell Slots you have of the appropriate level. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Rufus (Subrace)

Source: Convel & Wolffolk Homebrew (SCAR Version)

Rufus lupin are very lithe and skinny, looking nearly emaciated that their muscles press thinly between their skin and bones. Their fur is of a darker hue and their eyes are somewhat luminescent.

Hunter's Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. In addition you gain proficiency in the Perception skill.

Simensis (Subrace)

Source: Convel & Wolffolk Homebrew (SCAR Version)

These lupin have very lush and full hair and fur. They are very charming and usually have conspicuous bright red hair and fur, like a fox.

Wild Child. As an action, you may polymorph into a wolf as per the polymorph spell and back into your true form as a bonus action. If you are reduced to 0 hit points in this form you revert back into your true form. Any damage you take in your changed form is transferred over to your own hit points.