
After years of purposeless wandering and fruitless searching, you have found your cause. Be it a god or religion, a political campaign, a philosophical movement, or simply promotion of Master Tuckin's fine ales and mead, you have seen the light and are wholeheartedly devoted to furthering your chosen cause. You are dogged and adamant in your promotion of this cause, preaching to anyone and everyone about your truth. You cannot stand to be contradicted and see it as blasphemy. And yes, you drive your party members up a wall on a regular basis. One of these days you may be murdered in your sleep. How did you find your cause? Were you led into it by a friend or family member? Why are you so unbending in your convictions? Can you work with those who do not fully subscribe to (or, at least, say that they subscribe to) your ideas? How far will you go to convince others of your truth?

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Charisma, Constitution, Intelligence
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Intimidation, Persuasion, or Religion
  • Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's Supplies
  • Languages: Two Standard languages of choice. (Two Exotic languages can be taken in place of the Tool Proficiency.)

  • Background Keepsake: A worn holy symbol of your deity with a sheaf of ranting notes
  • Background Gold: 15gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Prepared

You gain a bonus to your Initiative equal to your Proficiency Bonus.


Type of Zealotry

You are devoted to one cause, and one cause only. All others pale in comparison to your cause's cosmic importance.

Fire and Brimstone

Your convictions run deep, and nothing can set you off of your chosen path. Not even a hulking bugbear foaming at the mouth, ready to crush you to dust. Even in face of terrifying enemies, you remember your purpose, and before engaging in combat you will often deliver a blistering sermon to your would-be combatants that leaves your enemies quaking in their boots (or footwear of choice). They should, after all, know your divine truth before you cut them down and bury them. Sometimes your enemies find reason in your impressive orations; other times they are less than impressed. Sometimes you even manage to enrage them with your presumptions, and find yourself the immediate target of their ire.

1 One True God

2 Our Future Ruler(s)

3 Anarchist

4 Let Go of Your Earthly Attachments

5 It's the End of the World as We Know It

6 The Best Mead (or Other Good) in the Whole Universe


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I have to speak with every potential convert- even if we're in a hurry.
2 I mutter to myself constantly about my cause and my conversion plans.
3 I have very specific daily rituals related to my cause and I become very cranky if I am not able to complete them.
4 I am naturally charming and charismatic and you don't even realize I've launched into a pitch about my cause until it's too late.
5 I feel the need to bellow everything dramatically- as it seems to add importance to whatever I am saying.
6 I'm confident in my convictions- but I am very timid in speaking about them and I often stutter and stumble when trying to explain the grand concepts of my cause.
7 I am very judgmental and like to whisper sly- cutting comments to nearby party members about other party members.
8 There is something off about me. I smile far too much and speak far too cheerily all the time.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Ideal Trait
1 I will save them all. I have been granted a vision of truth, and I will use my knowledge to shepherd all I can into the safety of my flock.
2 Truth and order must prevail. The world is chaos and I have found the way to return it to perfect order.
3 This is my Path. What is- is. I have been set on a path and I will walk it- for good or ill.
4 For the Glory. I serve my cause knowing that I will be greatly rewarded for it.
5 A Sucker is Born Every Minute. People are so gullible. Dazzle them with a few promises and they're eating out of your hands like street pigeons.
6 This is the Greatest. Really. I just think this is the greatest and everyone should know.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 I am itching to make a pilgrimage to the original source of my cause.
2 There is a faction of zealots directly opposed to my goals, and I find myself competing with them for converts.
3 My family just doesn't get me. I've tried to explain- but they still don't understand. I've decided to cut all ties and just hope I never run into them.
4 I believe I have a direct connection with the god/champion/philosopher/prophet I are representing, even if I hear nothing when I commune with them.
5 I lived a seedy life before I saw the light and donned my robes. I am worried my past will catch up with me.
6 My zealotry includes pursuit of a powerful magical artifact and I will stop at nothing to obtain it.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Flaw Trait
1 I really don't know when to shut up.
2 I am blinded by my devotion to my cause and have difficulty thinking critically and problem-solving.
3 I are so obsessed with advancing my cause that you have become an insomniac, and often stay up until all hours of the night writing out pamphlets, making plans, and generally muttering to myself.
4 My collected donations are actually used to support my addiction, and gods help me if my devotees ever find out.
5 Beneath my devotion, I are actually a nihilist and a cynic, and lead an empty life marred by depression and a lack of a sense of purpose.
6 My cause is actually terrible and I know it. The problem is- I'm too prideful and have devoted too many years to it to actually admit it, so I keep pretending everything is fine.