
You have lived a life of servitude bound to someone whom you have called "master" for the better part of your life. As an indentured servant, slave, or thrall, you may have been a manservant or handmaiden in a royal household, the captured slave of an evil warlord, or a laborer born into bondage. Perhaps you were a scullion toiling under the watch of a wrathful chef, or the lowly assistant of a cruel and powerful wizard. Whether you were treated with cruelty or relative kindness, you were still expected to "know your place" and were punished when you stepped out of line. Toiling for another, obeying orders, and debasing yourself have been your way of life.

You have since escaped servitude, having somehow won your freedom. Perhaps, it was against your will, e.g. you were dismissed after having disgraced your master, or your master died leaving you adrift in the world with no one to serve. Regardless, freedom is new to you. Your background as a slave has given you the patience to suffer the vagaries of powerful people and also insight into the dynamics of power, its uses, and abuses.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Charisma, Constitution, Wisdom
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Deception, Insight, or Persuasion
  • Tool Proficiencies: Your choice of one between Mason's Tools, Provisioner's Supplies, or Weaver's Tools.
  • Languages: Two Standard languages of choice.

  • Background Keepsake: A small item gifted or stolen from your master (value under 10gp)
  • Background Gold: 5gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Sturdy

Your maximum hit points is increased by half your level. (I.e. You gain a +1 to your max hp every even level.)


Serving a master.

Your master, for better or worse, was the central figure of your life. You may have learned skills that they taught you. Or they may have wished that you remain ignorant, but you picked things up, nevertheless, through patient and surreptitious observation. Choose an option or roll on the table below to determine what type of master you served.

1 Noble

2 Warlord

3 Pirate or Raider

4 Criminal Boss

5 Wealthy Merchant or Tradesperson

6 Humanoid Chieftain


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I hide my disdain for others- especially powerful people- beneath a mask of servility.
2 I have endured great suffering- but it only made me stronger. There is very little that can hurt me now.
3 I am grateful for every day that I am free and am determined to live life to the fullest.
4 Regardless of one's birth or station in life- good manners are essential.
5 As a slave- when I wasn't sleeping- I was toiling. Even now that I'm free- I must always be busy and cannot be idle.
6 I will never work for free again; I demand to be paid fairly for my labour.
7 I have exaggerated memories about the splendor of the homeland I was taken from as a child, and I share them with whoever will listen.
8 I accept that life is not fair- but I despise bullies and will not tolerate cruelty.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Ideal Trait
1 Equality. All intelligent beings are equal in the eyes of the gods. No person has the right to own another person.
2 Duty. To serve is to have purpose. It is noble to serve your master well.
3 Independence. No one will tell me what to do ever again. I am my own master.
4 Revolution. The chains of bondage must be broken. The rich and powerful must be brought low like those they have enslaved.
5 Resilience. Persevere through the bad times; the gods reward those who suffer.
6 Power. I was once a slave but I will become the master.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 I escaped from slavery but others were left behind. I am destined to lead my people to freedom.
2 I owe my life to the person who helped me escape my cruel master.
3 I have escaped- but will only truly be free when my master no longer has a claim on me. I plan to get enough money to buy my freedom.
4 I am disgraced in the eyes of my master and I seek to make amends.
5 I was stolen from my home many years ago and sold into slavery. I wish to return to my land and my people.
6 I swore an oath of vengeance against the one who kept me a slave and made my life a living hell.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Flaw Trait
1 I bear the scars of my bondage and they mark me as a slave.
2 I would rather die than ever be captured again.
3 I was emotionally scarred during my bondage and drink to forget.
4 I am still considered someone's property. My master wants me returned.
5 I am proud and will not bow before those who think they are better than me.
6 I'm so accustomed to obeying a master I often look for someone to tell me what to do.