Reformed Bandit

Source: Super_Christendo (SCAR Version)

Your people are not known for their heroism. In fact, quite the opposite... you are kind of the bad guys, ambushing adventurers on the roads, attacking unprotected villages and often finding themselves recruited into the army of a greater villain.

But for some reason, whether it be a run in with a kind adventurer that showed you mercy, the intervention of a deity or simply a yearning to be more than the world sees you as, you’ve chosen to turn over all the leaves and have set out to become a hero.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Constitution, Dexterity, Strength
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Acrobatics, Athletics, or Survival
  • Tool Proficiencies: Thieves' Tools and one Gaming Set of choice.
  • Languages: Thieves' Cant and one Standard language of choice.

  • Background Keepsake: A keepsake liberated from an adventurer (value under 5gp.)
  • Background Gold: 10gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Conman

You gain a bonus to your Deception, Stealth, and Sleight of Hand checks equal to half of your Proficiency Bonus.

Suggested Characteristics

A product of your environment, your early life as part of your tribe or clan has left an indelible impression on you. You fight against your baser instincts, but some things are hard to shake.


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I always have a plan for when things go wrong or at least I think I do.
2 I am incredibly slow to trust. Those who seem the fairest often have the most to hide.
3 I'm oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.
4 Thinking is for other people. I prefer action.
5 I bluntly say what other people are hinting or hiding.
6 I revel in my strength and enjoy breaking things.
7 I pocket anything I see that might have some value.
8 I lie about almost everything even when there's no good reason to.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Ideal Trait
1 Redemption. Just because the world thinks your evil doesn't mean you are.
2 Glory. I must earn glory in battle for myself and my clan.
3 Power. If I can attain more power I'll never be subservient again.
4 People. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
5 Live and Let Live. Meddling in the affairs of others only causes trouble.
6 Community. We have to take care of each other because no one else is going to.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 My family- clan- or tribe is the most important thing in my life- even when they are far from me.
2 I owe a debt I can never repay to the person who took pity on me.
3 I am the last of my tribe and it is up to me to ensure their names enter legend.
4 I escaped my old life by robbing an important person- they're probably not too happy about it.
5 Something important was taken from me and I aim to steal it back.
6 My honor is my life.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Flaw Trait
1 I am suspicious of strangers and suspect the worst of them.
2 I can't resist swindling people who are more powerful than me.
3 By the time the going gets tough I'm already gone.
4 I sometimes slip back into my people's more feral habits.
5 It's not stealing if I need it more than them.
6 If there's a plan- I'll forget it. If I don't forget it- I'll ignore it.