Redeemed Cultist

Source: D&D Wiki (SCAR Version)

Once, you were an obedient member of a religious cult. You may have been a follower of a dark god, demon prince, twisted fey, or just power-hungry religious fanatic - that is of little importance now. What matters now is that, somehow, you found it in you to free yourself from the blind servitude and saw the error of your ways. Many innocents died by your hand - sacrificed on an altar or slain in raids. Brainwashed, drugged, or simply confused and misled you have committed crimes so heinous you could hardly ever ask for forgiveness. Nevertheless, you have left the cult determined to seek a new life. Will it be a life of virtue in a pursuit of redemption or a lonesome journey of an embittered and broken individual trying to run away from their past? Why did you join the cult in the first place? What made you see through the veil of the cult indoctrination? How have you managed to escape?

Cults specific to SCAR that you may have defected from:

  1. The Banner of Sirea
  2. Followers of the Purple Flame
  3. Sunbird Mercenaries
  4. Cult of Daniel

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Charisma, Constitution, Intelligence
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Arcana, Deception, or Religion
  • Tool Proficiencies: Your choice of one between Alchemist's Supplies, Herbalism Kit, or Scrimshander's Tools.
  • Languages: Two Standard languages of choice. (Two Exotic languages can be taken in place of the Tool Proficiency.)

  • Background Keepsake: A mark of your cult (see table)
  • Background Gold: 5gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Conman

You gain a bonus to your Deception, Stealth, and Sleight of Hand checks equal to half of your Proficiency Bonus.


Cult Member Identification

1 Markings (tattoos, scarification, branding…)

2 Self-Mutilation (fingers or ears cut off, missing eye(s), split tongue…)

3 Accessories (rings, medallions, bracelets, piercings…)

4 Clothing (distinct color or type of clothing…)

5 Language (password, phrase, cipher, non-verbal signs…)


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 My past still haunts me in my dreams. I often wake up screaming or do not sleep at all.
2 I anger quickly and I am prone to violent tantrums when someone tries to control me or give me orders.
3 Being a pawn in someone else's game left me with an inability to make choices of my own. I am indecisive.
4 I am having second thoughts about my leaving the cult. I am afraid I could easily return to my old ways given the right circumstance.
5 Boundaries were violated time and time again in the cult until I lost sense of which boundaries were appropriate. I often behave inappropriately or in a seemingly random manner.
6 I suffer from mood swings or sudden emotional breakdowns.
7 I feel immense guilt over my past actions and welcome suffering as my atonement. I have little or no regard for my personal health.
8 Every day I expect to get a knife in my gut and I see vengeful assassins in every shadow. I am paranoid or suspicious of others.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Ideal Trait
1 Protective. Dark cults trifle with powers that are beyond their understanding or control. Those fools must be stopped.
2 Nihilist. What’s the point of anything? People are insignificant and their struggle is futile.
3 Repentant. I cannot possibly undo the wrongs I have done but I can still try and atone.
4 Anarchist. Lives of men should not be ruled by anyone. No gods, no masters!
5 Faithful. While our cause may be righteous- the cult's leaders are corrupt: I seek to follow my god's plans.
6 Selfish. The world is doomed either way. Better make to most of it.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 When I left the cult- I took one of its relics with me. For some strange reason I cannot part with it.
2 They were supposed to be sacrificed- I have helped them escape. Now I feel responsible for them.
3 It breaks my heart to know that my close friend- lover or family member is still a loyal follower of the cult.
4 The cult leader made me kill my old friend during the initiation. I have not forgotten that and I want revenge.
5 I cannot stand by and watch as more children and youths get turned into mindless fanatics or are exploited for someone else's personal gain.
6 No one must ever know about my involvement with the cult.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Flaw Trait
1 Sometimes I hear voices in my head that command me to do terrible things. And sometimes I give in.
2 I trance out and lose touch with reality. I am sometimes delusional or experience delirious states.
3 I take great solace in flagellation. The road to salvation leads through blood and self-inflicted pain.
4 Before I left I was given a task (by the dark lord or deity or the cult leader) that I am yet to fulfill.
5 In the cult they fed us drugs. I am still heavily addicted and I will do anything to get a dose.
6 I dread the idea of killing another sentient creature. I have already spilled enough blood.