Organization Member

Source: Shunni Homebrew

There are various organizations that are established across the Sword Coast that have different goals and established traits and interests. As an organization member, you are part of a specific group dedicated to a specific cause or trade. You have access to valuable resources, a network of contacts, and specialized training that sets you apart. Your tasks may involve espionage, gathering information, or increasing trade, or protective services. It's a life of mystery, danger, and working towards a greater purpose.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Charisma, Intelligence, Strength
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Perception, and one based on the organization chosen (choices below)
  • Tool Proficiencies: One Artisan Tool based on your Organization (see below).
  • Languages: Two Standard languages of choice.

  • Background Keepsake: Organization employment ledgers
  • Background Gold: 10gp.

Origin Feat

The Crowned Shield

Located within Silverymoon led by the Marchioness Eleanora Fable, The Crowned Shield has increased its influence throughout the Sword Coast greatly over the past decade. The Crowned Shield was founded by knights and nobles in order to provide protection down to the people of the realm. Most of the higher ranking members are knights or hold titles, with the common goal of providing services to those that cannot normally afford such. They have a strong military structure, and it is expected that you follow orders of your superiors, and wear your uniform when on duty.

Starfall Collective

The Starfall Collective was created many years ago as a Tinker and Mercantile Trading Company in Baldur's Gate. It started in a small warehouse that supplied various supplies and small gadgets to various guilds and mercenary companies as its start. It is now the largest Tinker and Mercantile Company in the Sword Coast, having vast holdings across the various City States that inhabit it. In the last decade it moved its headquarters to Daggerford, and has surrounded itself with various events and people. The visionary and creator of Starfall Conrad Griff stepped down from his position of CEO into retirement with his family in an undisclosed location, leaving it with his close and personal confidant Beatrix Holtz. Starfall has many aspects to it, revolving around its trade and creation of Tinkering innovations. It also within its higher levels works to seek out items and products beyond their means.

Patchwork Medical

Doctor Patched Night had lived in Daggerford for years before opening her first hospital in the neighboring town of Stillwater with the help of the head of the Sword Coast Republic, Alexandria Burr. As the small town grew so did the Patchwork Hospital and its staff. After some time the first doctor Doctor Patch hired, Doctor Caladeth, took it upon herself to open a branch hospital in Daggerford called Soul’s Mercy and with that the Patchwork Medical group started to grow. As the years passed Doctor Patched Night once again set her sights on expanding the Medical group, reaching out to establish itself throughout the Sword Coast as a prominent Medical Institution. Its continued goal, to provide healthcare for those that need it, no matter their social standing.


Located in ‘The Terminus’ in Waterdeep, stands one of the larger Mercenary Companies on the Sword Coast. Joining the Blackwheel Company is easy for those who are eager to earn coin for their talents. The company’s “no questions asked, no able hire turned away” policy has allowed it to develop an impressively diverse membership. It is not uncommon to see gnoll barbarians and goblin rogues serving side by side with noble dragonborn heirs. The company’s various undertakings often require divine or arcane spellcasters, as well as specialized “operatives”—it actively recruits wizards, warlocks, and members of classes useful to the organization. The company takes pride in providing its hires with the best in pay and equipment, so attrition is low. In return, the company demands a certain level of professionalism and discipline. This pragmatic organization finds most of its members among those of neutral alignment, but all are welcome. Hires are free to leave the company at any time, though they are stripped of all benefits.

Order of the Sphinx

The Order of the Sphinx is a mercenary archeology company operating in the Sword Coast. Led by Flare, a fiery fire genasi, they specialize in uncovering ancient sites of history, exploring forgotten ruins, and providing protection for expeditions. Their members are skilled in both combat and scholarly pursuits, combining their knowledge of history and magical abilities to navigate treacherous dungeons and uncover valuable treasures.

Suggested Characteristics

Note: When selecting this background, you select one of the Organizations, and take only the choices from that Organizations (cannot pick and choose).


Crowned Shield: Insight

Starfall Collective: Investigation

Patchwork Medical: Medicine

Blackwheel: Athletics

Order of the Sphinx: History


Crowned Shield: Calligrapher's Supplies

Starfall Collective: Tinker's Tools

Pachwork: Herbalism Kit

Blackwheel: Smith's Tools

Order of the Sphinx: Jeweler's Tools


Origin Leader

You can spend an action inspiring your allies to grant a renown dice to an ally who has used theirs during that adventure. This can be done a number of times per quest equal to half your Proficiency Bonus.


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I carry myself with a sense of self-assurance and authority.
2 I'm always seeking knowledge and constantly asking questions and I have a keen eye for detail and excel at gathering and interpreting information.
3 I never back down from a challenge and will go to great lengths to achieve my goals.
4 I possess an insatiable thirst for exploration and am always eager to embark on new quests.
5 I am quick-witted and clever and enjoy finding creative solutions to problems.
6 My natural charm and magnetic personality make me a persuasive and influential member.
7 I adhere to strict codes of conduct and maintain a high level of self-discipline.
8 I am known for my reliability and integrity- inspiring confidence and loyalty in others.


Please select one from the list below.

d5 Ideal Trait
1 Loyalty. I am fiercely dedicated to my organization and am willing to go to great lengths to protect its interests.
2 Equality. I believe in a fair and equal society and I work towards achieving it through my actions.
3 Justice. I strive to uphold justice and punish those who act against the values of my organization.
4 Collaboration. I understand the power of teamwork and believe that cooperation leads to greater success.
5 Ambition. I am driven to climb the ranks of my organization and make a name for myself.


Please select one from the list below.

d5 Bond Trait
1 I have a mentor within the organization who has guided me and taught me valuable lessons.
2 I have a close friend and ally within the organization who I trust with my life.
3 I am deeply committed to the cause my organization stands for and will do anything to further it.
4 My family has a long history with the organization and I am proud to carry on that legacy.
5 I owe a significant debt to someone within the organization who has helped me in the past.


Please select one from the list below.

d5 Flaw Trait
1 I sometimes go to extremes in pursuing the goals of my organization, ignoring moral boundaries.
2 I find it hard to trust outsiders and often suspect their motives.
3 I act on instinct and often make snap decisions without considering the consequences.
4 I hold grudges and am quick to seek revenge against those who wrong me or my organization.
5 I believe that my organization is superior to others and can be dismissive of differing opinions.