
Source: D&D Wiki (SCAR Version)

You've always had a special kind of charm on people. For some reason, people see you as an ideal candidate for an evening of fun, or a lifelong partner. This ... skill(?)... gave you a rather strange point of view on life.

What sort of lover are you? What do people remember you for the most? What are you searching for in life? Are you running from anything?

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Acrobatics, Performance, or Persuasion
  • Tool Proficiencies: Thieves' Tools, and one Gaming Set or Musical Instrument of choice.
  • Languages: One Standard and one Exotic language of choice.

  • Background Keepsake: A grooming kit with a bar of soap
  • Background Gold: 10gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Artist

Your allies can add half your Proficiency Bonus, (rounded down) when they roll a die using Inspiration, or when they use their Renown Die, so long as they are within 20 feet of you, no action required. This does not stack with additional Origin Artist Feats.


d8 Lover's Social Status/Lifestyle

1 Wretched

2 Squalid

3 Poor

4 Modest

5 Comfortable

6 Wealthy

7 Aristocratic

8 You choose or roll again

d8 Lover's Base Personality

1 Kind/Gentle

2 Adventurous/Curious

3 Timid/Reserved

4 Intellectual/Patient

5 Snob/Arrogant

6 Prideful/Honorable

7 Jealous/Possessive

8 Graceful/Noble Heart


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 Things come easy to me, so isn't it natural if I'm a bit laid back?
2 It's all a game - right?
3 I have a strange quirk that people remember me by.
4 I always try to find the most peaceful resolution to disputes.
5 It doesn't matter who it is- I'm getting in their pants!
6 I find people fascinating and always try to know as much as possible of any person I meet.
7 I have a commemorative trinket from every lover I've had.
8 Life is ephemeral- I mean to live it to the fullest.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Ideal Trait
1 Family. One day- I'll find the One and settle down.
2 Love. I'm searching for true love but can't seem to find it.
3 Domination. My lovers are mine and always will be.
4 Joy. Giving joy to others is my reason for living.
5 Selfish. Ha! More for me- less for you!
6 Freedom. I can't help it- I just don't want to be tied down.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 Some of my lovers really love me and want to be with me forever; I have mixed feelings about this.
2 I'm indebted to a person; I hope to repay them one day.
3 Someone murdered one of my lovers to get to me and I'll never forgive them.
4 An angry spouse murdered their loved one after discovering me in their bed; I'll never forget this trauma, or forgive myself.
5 Every lover gives me something very precious; I feel I owe them something.
6 I'm actually really deeply in love with one of my lovers.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Flaw Trait
1 I'm more than lazy.
2 I don't care about hurting people's feelings.
3 I'm strangely possessive of my new lovers.
4 I am hedonistic but will lie to hide it and get what I want.
5 I don't feel guilt; I don't feel much of anything, actually.
6 I'm addicted to a substance- a behavior- or a person.