
For a significant portion of your life you've been searching for answers. Mysteries have always fascinated you, and solving them has made you become far better at searching for clues and reading people. What answers were you searching for? Did you always find satisfying answers to your questions, or was there one answer that you wish you could forget? Have your inquiries made enemies or friends? In any case, it's landed you a job as a detective, perhaps as a paying job for a specific city, perhaps as a wanderer with a mystery-solving hobby.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Insight, Investigation, or Perception
  • Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit and Thieves' Tools
  • Languages: One Standard and one Exotic language of choice, OR three Standard languages.

  • Background Keepsake: A small mundane piece of evidence from a past case (value under 10gp)
  • Background Gold: 10gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Prepared

You gain a bonus to your Initiative equal to your Proficiency Bonus.


Path to Mystery

Your first case influenced the types of mysteries you're interested in. Why was this case so impactful, personal, or traumatic? Whom did it affect besides you? Why and how did you get involved? Was it solved? How did it set you on the path to investigating other mysteries? Roll on or choose details from the First Case table to develop the mystery that started your career as an investigator.

First Case

1 A friend was wrongfully accused of murder. You tracked down the actual killer, proving your friend's innocence and starting your career as a detective.

2 You're told you went missing for weeks. When you were found, you had no memory of being gone. Now you search to discover what happened to you.

3 You helped a spirit find peace by finding its missing corpse. Ever since, other spectral clients have sought you out to help them find rest.

4 You revealed that the monsters terrorizing your home were illusions created by a cruel mage. The magic-user escaped, but you've continued to uncover magical hoaxes.

5 You were wrongfully accused and convicted of a crime. You managed to escape and seek to help others avoid the experience you suffered, even while still being pursued by the law.

6 You survived the destructive use of a magic device that wiped out your home. Members of a secret organization found you. You now work with them, tracking down dangerous supernatural phenomena and preventing them from doing harm.

7 You found evidence of a conspiracy underpinning society. You tried to expose this mysterious cabal, but no one believed you. You're still trying to prove what you know is true.

8 You got a job with an agency that investigates crimes that local law enforcement can't solve. You often wonder which you value more, the truth or your pay.


Please select TWO from the list below.

d12 Personality Trait
1 I had an encounter that I believe gives me a special affinity with a supernatural creature or event.
2 A signature piece of clothing or distinct weapon serves as an emblem of who I am.
3 I never accept that I'm out of my depth.
4 I must know the answer to every secret. No door remains unopened in my presence.
5 I let people underestimate me- revealing my full competency only to those close to me.
6 I compulsively seek to collect trophies of my travels and victories.
7 It doesn't matter if the whole world's against me. I'll always do what I think is right.
8 I have morbid interests and a macabre aesthetic.
9 I have a personal ritual- mantra- or relaxation method I use to deal with stress.
10 Nothing is more important than life and I never leave anyone in danger.
11 I'm quick to jump to extreme solutions. Why risk a lesser option not working?
12 I'm easily startled but I'm not a coward.


Please select one from the list below.

d12 Ideal Trait
1 Adrenaline. I've experienced such strangeness that now I feel alive only in extreme situations.
2 Balance. I strive to counter the deeds of someone for whom I feel responsible.
3 Bound. I've wronged someone and must work their will to avoid their curse.
4 Escape. I believe there is something beyond the world I know and I need to find it.
5 Legacy. I must do something great so that I'm remembered and my time is running out.
6 Misdirection. I work vigorously to keep others from realizing my flaws or misdeeds.
7 Obsession. I've lived this way for so long that I can't imagine another way.
8 Obligation. I owe it to my people- faith- family- or teacher to continue a vaunted legacy.
9 Promise. My life is no longer my own. I must fulfill the dream of someone who's gone.
10 Revelation. I need to know what lies beyond the mysteries of death- the world- or whatever else is out there.
11 Sanctuary. I know the forces at work in the world and strive to create islands apart from them.
12 Truth. I care about the truth above all else- even if it doesn't benefit anyone.


Please select one from the list below.

d12 Bond Trait
1 I desperately need to get back to someone or someplace- but I lost them.
2 Everything I do is in the service of a powerful master- one I must keep a secret from everyone.
3 I owe much to my vanished mentor. I seek to continue their work even as I search to find them.
4 I've seen great darkness, and I'm committed to being a light against it- the light of all lights.
5 Someone I love has become a monster- murderer- or other threat. It's up to me to redeem them.
6 The world has been convinced of a terrible lie. It's up to me to reveal the truth.
7 I deeply miss someone and am quick to adopt people who remind me of them.
8 A great evil dwells within me. I will fight against it and the world's other evils for as long as I can.
9 I'm desperately seeking a cure to an affliction or a curse- either for someone close to me for myself.
10 Spirits are drawn to me. I do all I can to help them find peace.
11 I use my cunning mind to solve mysteries and find justice for those who've been wronged.
12 I lost someone I care about- but I still see them in guilty visions- recurring dreams- or as a spirit.


Please select one from the list below.

d12 Flaw Trait
1 I believe doom follows me and that anyone who gets close to me will face a tragic end.
2 I'm convinced something is after me- appearing in mirrors- dreams- and places where no one could.
3 I'm especially superstitious and live life seeking to avoid bad luck- wicked spirits- or whatever is beyond.
4 I've done unspeakable evil and will do anything to prevent others from finding out.
5 I am exceptionally credulous and believe any story or legend immediately.
6 I'm a skeptic and don't believe in the power of rituals- religion- superstition- or spirits.
7 I know my future is written and that anything I do will lead to a prophesied end.
8 I need to find the best in everyone and everything, even when that means denying obvious malice.
9 I've seen the evil of a type of place- like forests- cities- or graveyards- and resist going there.
10 I'm exceptionally cautious- planning laboriously and devising countless contingencies.
11 I have a reputation for defeating a great evil- but that's a lie and the wicked force knows.
12 I know the ends always justify the means and am quick to make sacrifices to attain my goals.