Faction Agent

Source: Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, SCAR Adapted

Many factions active in the North and across the face of Faerûn aren't bound by strictures of geography. These factions pursue their agendas without regard for political boundaries, and their members operate anywhere the organization deems necessary. These groups employ listeners, rumormongers, smugglers, sellswords, cache-holders (people who guard caches of wealth or magic for use by the faction's operatives), haven keepers, and message drop minders, to name a few. At the core of every faction are those who don't merely fulfill a small function for that organization, but who serve as its hands, head, and heart.

As a prelude to your adventuring career (and in preparation for it), you served as an agent of a particular faction in Faerûn. You might have operated openly or secretly, depending on the faction and its goals, as well as how those goals mesh with your own. Becoming an adventurer doesn't necessarily require you to relinquish membership in your faction (though you can choose to do so), and it might enhance your status in the faction.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Charisma, Intelligence, Strength
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Insight, and one based on the faction chosen (see below)
  • Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (Land, Water, or Air), and one Gaming Set of Musical Instrument of choice.
  • Languages: Two Standard and one Exotic (faction) language of choice.

  • Background Keepsake: A badge or emblem of your faction
  • Background Gold: 15gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Leader

You can spend an action inspiring your allies to grant a renown dice to an ally who has used theirs during that adventure. This can be done a number of times per quest equal to half your Proficiency Bonus.

Suggested Characteristics

Note: When selecting this background, you select one of the six factions, and take only the choices from that Faction (can not pick and choose)


Harpers - Performance

Zhentarim - Deception

Lords Alliance - Persuasion

Emerald Enclave - Nature

Order of the Gauntlet - Religion

Sword Coast Republic - History

Exotic Languages:

Harpers - Undercommon

Zhentarim - Infernal

Lords Alliance - Infernal

Emerald Enclave - Sylvan

Order of the Gauntlet - Celestial

Sword Coast Republic - Draconic


Factions of the Sword Coast

The lack of large, centralized governments in the North and along the Sword Coast is likely directly responsible for the proliferation of secret societies and conspiracies in those lands. If your background is as an agent for one of the main factions of the North and Sword Coast, here are some possibilities.

The Harpers

Founded more than a millennium ago, disbanded and reorganized several times, the Harpers remain a powerful, behind-the-scenes agency, which acts to thwart evil and promote fairness through knowledge, rather than brute force. Harper agents are often proficient in Investigation, enabling them to be adept at snooping and spying. They often seek aid from other Harpers, sympathetic bards and innkeepers, rangers, and the clergy of gods that are aligned with the Harpers' ideals.

The Order of the Gauntlet

One of the newest power groups in Faerûn, the Order of the Gauntlet has an agenda similar to that of the Harpers. Its methods are vastly different, however: bearers of the gauntlet are holy warriors on a righteous quest to crush evil and promote justice, and they never hide in the shadows. Order agents tend to be proficient in Religion, and frequently seek aid from law enforcement friendly to the order's ideals, and the clergy of the order's patron gods.

The Emerald Enclave

Maintaining balance in the natural order and combating the forces that threaten that balance is the twofold goal of the Emerald Enclave. Those who serve the faction are masters of survival and living off the land. They are often proficient in Nature, and can seek assistance from woodsmen, hunters, rangers, barbarian tribes, druid circles, and priests who revere the gods of nature.

The Lords' Alliance

On one level, the agents of the Lords' Alliance are representatives of the cities and other governments that constitute the alliance. But, as a faction with interests and concerns that transcend local politics and geography, the Alliance has its own cadre of individuals who work on behalf of the organization's wider agenda. Alliance agents are required to be knowledgeable in History, and can always rely on the aid of the governments that are part of the Alliance, plus other leaders and groups who uphold the Alliance's ideals.

The Zhentarim

In recent years, the Zhentarim have become more visible in the world at large, as the group works to improve its reputation among the common people. The faction draws employees and associates from many walks of life, setting them to tasks that serve the goals of the Black Network but aren't necessarily criminal in nature. Agents of the Black Network must often work in secret, and are frequently proficient in Deception. They seek aid from the wizards, mercenaries, merchants and priesthoods allied with the Zhentarim.

The Sword Coast Republic

The newest faction in the wider Sword Coast, it is a gathering of various people from many backgrounds finding their home within the Sword Coast Republic. Its reach has crossed the Sword Coast from a small beginning in the city of Daggerford and the town of Stillwater. The members of the SCR work towards protecting those who cannot from those who would abuse the power they wield and finding/protecting powerful items and artifacts within the world from those who would abuse them for evil and power. The Sword Coast Republic holds one belief above all others: The right and advancement of the people not through birth, but through skill, knowledge, strength, and passion. Everyone should have the opportunity to empower themselves to become better than what was dealt to them at birth. The Sword Coast Republic seeks to protect those who cannot, and bring down those who would profit from the weak.


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I idolize a particular hero of my faction- and constantly refer to that person's deeds and example.
2 I can find common ground between the fiercest enemies, empathizing with them and always working toward peace.
3 I am very focused and reserved- tending to shrug off my own personal life for the task at hand.
4 Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
5 I quote (or misquote) my factions tenets and goals in almost every situation.
6 I am tolerant (or intolerant) of other factions and respect (or condemn) the their views and actions.
7 I've enjoyed fine food- drink- and society among my faction's elite. Rough living grates on me.
8 I am forward and driven to increase the influence and goals of my faction across the Sword Coast.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Ideal Trait
1 Order and Stability. The stability of the lands are my responsibility and I will ensure order.
2 Truth and Justice. I will ensure that justice comes to those who bring instability and deceit.
3 Freedom and Liberty. We must help bring about the changes of freedom to the people in the world.
4 Power and Influence. I hope to one day rise to the top of my faction's ranks.
5 Pursuit of Knowledge and Enlightenment. I trust that my faction's goals will guide my actions. I have faith that if I work hard- things will go well.
6 Tenacity and Perseverance. I seek to prove myself worthy of my faction's favor by matching my actions against their teachings.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 I have a mentor within the faction who has guided my decision to join the cause.
2 I will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple hierarchy who branded me a heretic.
3 I have a close friend that I have grown to love that joined the faction with me together.
4 Everything I do is for the people of these lands.
5 I will do anything to protect the faction where I served.
6 I seek to preserve a protected site or item that my enemies wish to seek to destroy or take.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Flaw Trait
1 I have difficulty adapting to sudden changes or unexpected situations.
2 I put too much trust in those who wield power within my faction's higher ranks.
3 I have issues separating myself from my work and goals to achieve greatness within the faction.
4 I have difficulty trusting those of other factions- believing their views to be skewed or wrong.
5 I have impatience with those others don't share my dedication to my cause.
6 I have a large fear of failure and fall into a depression at any disappointment I cause.