
Source: Reddit (SCAR Version)

In a world of wondrous adventurers with a mriad of interesting histories and tales, you are rust a commoner You may have what it takes to start adventuring but as far as your past is concerned you're no one of note; though that's not necessarily a bad thing.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Constitution, Strength, Wisdom
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Acrobatics, Athletics, or one additional skill of choice.
  • Tool Proficiencies: One Artisan Tool, and one Gaming Set of choice.
  • Languages: One Standard language of choice.

  • Background Keepsake: A trinket that reminds you of home (value under 10gp.)
  • Background Gold: 5gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Sturdy

Your maximum hit points is increased by half your level. (I.e. You gain a +1 to your max hp every even level.)

Suggested Characteristics

People come with all sorts of quirks, beliefs and thoughts. In spite of this, those thrust into dangerous situations after a life of normalcy do start develop very similar traits. These typically involve proving themselves and their worth, though it's not uncommon to find those content to just be part of the experience.

Most regular people, as a rule, do not become adventurers or particularly powerful. Figure out why someone so seemingly normal has been called to action and how they developed their abilities, or roll on the irregular calling table below.

Irregular Calling

1d6 Calling

1 A higher power decided to entrust you with a task. You didn't get much say in the matter.

2 You signed up to a new job but didn't realize you were actually joining an Adventurer's Guild or Mercenary company.

3 You have little left in your life, so you have nothing to lose.

4 You discovered an innate talent, magical ability or mystical artifact and decided to put it to good use.

5 A friend of yours tried this whole adventuring thing and it honestly didn't seem too bad. You are so painfully bored of your day-to-day life that adventuring Is a much needed break


Please select TWO from the list below.

d7 Personality Trait
1 I'm not very special, but to be honest neither is anyone else.
2 All I want is a life that's exciting and memorable.
3 People always look down on me. They're probably right.
4 As far as I'm concerned- I'm always the most interesting person around.
5 I find there's nothing wrong with being a bit boring or plain.
6 I refuse to believe that I am in anyway mundane. My family has always been a group of legendary mages or renowned dragon hunters- depending on what sounds most impressive in the moment.
7 I'm always out of my depth- even in simple or mundane situations.


Please select one from the list below.

d5 Ideal Trait
1 Effort. If I'm going to prove my worth I'm going to have give everything I do my all.
2 Power. I crave power over others because I've never had it before.
3 Protection. There has to be someone to look out for the little guys.
4 Indifference. I'm here to live my life. How others live theirs is of no matter to me.
5 Equality. All people are of equal worth and worthy of equal judgement in my eyes.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 I have a family waiting for me back home and I intend to see them as all.
2 I hate who I once was and wish to distance myself from that.
3 A hero once saved me- all I do is an attempt to emulate them.
4 I quit my job in an extravagant fashion so cannot go back.
5 I lost all my family and possessions and I have nothing tying me down or holding me back.
6 I work to defend all those with ordinary lives.


Please select one from the list below.

d5 Flaw Trait
1 I have no experience in fighting or defending myself- making me vulnerable in dangerous situations.
2 I tend to trust others easily- often falling for lies or manipulations.
3 I am easily intimidated- making me hesitant to take risks or explore new places.
4 I often doubt myself and feel inadequate compared to others.
5 I come from a humble background and lack access to wealth or influential connections- making it difficult for me to acquire necessary supplies or support.