
Source: lordcortex (SCAR Version)

You are someone who knows the value of a properly seasoned stew and can tell the difference between spices by sight, taste, scent, and even their texture. From the soldiers marching in the fields, to the warm haven of an inn, to the bowls of the largest keeps, to the homes of the common folk you know that food and need of food is what brings together everyone of every nation, religion, race, and creed. Food is your passion, it is your mission, it is your religion.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Nature, Sleight of Hand, or Survival
  • Tool Proficiencies: Provisioner's Supplies
  • Languages: Two Standard languages of choice.

  • Background Keepsake: a recipe for your favorite dish written on a napkin
  • Background Gold: 10gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Artisan

Your upkeep for a Product Business of a tool you're proficient in is reduced by 30%. This does not count towards your building upgrades for shops (Example: Statue, Rug, Showcase, ect). This cannot be combined with Elderwood Foundation.

Suggested Characteristics

Many things can influence a person's life long love affair with food. Maybe you were starving and lost and rescued by a traveling chef. Perhaps are inheriting your love from your grandparent who showed you tried and true recipes passed down the generations. You might even have been a beggar that dreamed of dining on the choice cuts of meat in decadent sauces that only the rich were privy to and decided to only dine on the best. Whatever the reason food is your passion!


Variant Chef: Gourmet

If your character has a chef background, you may select this background feature instead of Passion for Food.

You have made it your mission to taste and create only the finest and most expensive foods possible. You refuse to eat the bland slop of the masses and often insist on making your own food at inns. As a result of your passion for gourmet food you have spent a considerable amount of time in the presence of the wealthy elite, nobles, and even royalty and could easily pass muster among them. Some may even have heard of your famous dishes and will insist that you make it for them.


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 Cooking is like a dance and the kitchen is my dance floor.
2 My knowledge of flavor combinations can make even the most joyless eater smile.
3 If I make a mistake or even slightly burn it I throw it out. Thankfully I am great enough that I almost never have to.
4 Once you step into the kitchen you step into my kingdom- and regardless if you are king or serf I will have obedience within it.
5 Food is meant to make you smile. Food is my passion and my life- so I am always smiling.
6 If you cause me to make a mistake in my cooking I am liable to try to put you in the pot next.
7 Do not call me a cook. I am a chef- a gourmet! To say otherwise is to invoke my wrath.
8 Recipes are meant to be passed down- so any chance I get to teach another to cook I do it with zeal.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Ideal Trait
1 Adventurous. The only way to know if something tastes good or bad is to taste it.
2 Fame. I will sabotage and undercut other chefs to boost my own status and spread my fame faster.
3 Empathy. I don't care who you are- if you are hungry I will feed you in a heartbeat.
4 Showmanship. I will turn the whole cooking process into a show to create smiles before the meal and serve them good food to make them smile after the meal too.
5 Respect. The reputation I have created has been no small feat in the making. I believe I am due a certain amount of respect for it.
6 Perfection. If I see one small misstep in the cooking process at the hands of a lesser chef or cook I will berate for them.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 I must pass on my recipes before I die.
2 The person that taught me to cook is always foremost in my mind when preparing food or making new recipes.
3 I am the last bastion of hope in a bland world. I will bring flavor.
4 My tools were inherited so every nick- dent- and scratch is a fond memory for me.
5 I wish to feed the masses. Starvation is an abomination and I will slay it with tasty treats.
6 I will become the best. I have to.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Flaw Trait
1 I have a tendency to taste all my recipes multiple times- sometimes eating the whole thing before it's even done.
2 I add bacon to EVERY recipe and believe it makes everything better.
3 I do not trust food or drink not prepared by me and must check it for poison or worse too much salt.
4 Sometimes in an effort to make a perfect dish I throw out perfectly fine dishes and end up wasting food.
5 I cannot hold my wine very well and often do things I regret after drinking it.
6 I secretly look down on the filthy masses that greedily eat sub par food as if it were the finest of dishes.