
Source: SCAR Homebrew

Emerging from the rigorous confines of military academy, the cadet enters the world with discipline forged in the heat of training and camaraderie shaped by shared struggles. Eager to prove their mettle outside the barracks, they cling to their training while grappling with the complexities of a world far less structured. Whether they seek glory, redemption, or understanding, they carry the lessons and burdens of their rigorous upbringing.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Strength, Constitution, Wisdom
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Athletics, Perception, Survival
  • Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (Air, Land, or Water)
  • Languages: Two Standard languages of choice.
  • Weapons: Your choice of one between Javelin, or Mace, or Light Crossbow.

  • Background Keepsake: A token of your military academy (value under 10gp.)
  • Background Gold: 5gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Skill Focus

You gain a +1 to two different Skills you are proficient in.


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am always punctual- believing that time management is the cornerstone of success.
2 I possess an unwavering sense of loyalty- fiercely protecting those I consider my friends.
3 I often find myself addressing people by their ranks or titles- even in casual settings.
4 I can't help but strive for perfection in everything I do- even if it frustrates others.
5 I have a habit of analyzing every situation strategically- seeking the best tactical advantage.
6 I tend to follow orders to the letter- often struggling with improvisation.
7 I am quick to offer assistance- viewing teamwork as essential to any mission.
8 I tend to be overly self-critical- focusing on my mistakes rather than my successes.


Please select one from the list below.

d8 Ideal Trait
1 Honor. I believe in upholding my word and acting with integrity at all times.
2 Courage. I strive to face my fears and challenges head-on- no matter the cost.
3 Duty. I uphold my responsibilities- both to my comrades and to the greater good.
4 Discipline. I understand that self-control and order pave the path to success.
5 Loyalty. I will stand by my allies through thick and thin; betrayal is the ultimate sin.
6 Strength. Physical and mental strengths are necessary to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
7 Justice. I seek to right wrongs and protect the innocent- no matter how difficult the journey.
8 Growth. I believe in constant improvement- both as a soldier and as a person.


Please select one from the list below.

d8 Bond Trait
1 I hold a deep bond with my fellow cadets- having shared many life-and-death experiences together.
2 I carry a portrait of my family with me- reminding me of my reasons for joining the military.
3 I am driven to prove myself worthy of my mentor's teachings and sacrifices.
4 I have a friend who fell in battle- and I vow to honor their memory by serving bravely.
5 I have a special item given to me by my commanding officer- symbolizing trust and responsibility.
6 I deeply value a piece of advice given by a retired veteran that shaped my approach to challenges.
7 I wish to return home a hero- redeeming myself for any past failures.
8 I have promised to protect a vulnerable community from threats- holding myself accountable for their safety.


Please select one from the list below.

d8 Flaw Trait
1 I can be overly rigid- struggling to adapt when plans go awry.
2 I have a tendency to lash out when provoked- reacting before thinking.
3 I often second-guess my decisions- plagued by doubts from my training.
4 I find it hard to trust anyone outside of my military training- inevitably isolating myself.
5 I can become overly competitive- making games and challenges too serious for others.
6 I struggle to relax and have fun- interpreting leisure as a waste of time.
7 I can be excessively critical of those who don't share my training or mindset.
8 I sometimes feel the need to prove my worth to others- leading me into reckless situations.