
Source: NotQuiteJoseph Homebrew (SCAR Version)

You have a talent for producing works of art in a particular medium. You see yourself not as an entertainer or performer, but as a creator. You pursue your art with lofty ideals, motivated by abstract notions such as beauty and truth. Your art is likely inspired by deep philosophical questions, and as such, you tend to have a unique insight into people and society. You may be a playwright or poet, a sculptor or painter, or a musical composer.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Charisma, Dexterity, Strength
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): History, Insight, or Performance
  • Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's Supplies or Mason's Tools (or two Musical Instruments of choice if you select the Exotic language instead.)
  • Languages: One Standard language of choice. (And one Exotic language if you select the Musical Instruments instead.)

  • Background Keepsake: Bound sketchbook half-full of images
  • Background Gold: 15gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Artist

Your allies can add half your Proficiency Bonus, (rounded down) when they roll a die using Inspiration, or when they use their Renown Die, so long as they are within 20 feet of you, no action required. This does not stack with additional Origin Artist Feats.

Suggested Characteristics

Artistic Medium

Art is a basic human instinct, but artists generally thrive in prosperous societies that provide the luxury of pursuing abstract ideals. Choose an art form for your character to pursue, or roll on the table below. Keep in mind that some cultures may value other forms of art than the ones below, such as tapestry weaving or stained glass art. Consult with your DM to explore other options.

1 Painting

2 Sculpting

3 Writing (playwright/poet)

4 Musical Composition


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am an aloof observer- always imagining those around me as subjects in my next project.
2 My head is usually in the clouds- and my disheveled appearance attests to that.
3 I am full of profound insights and am always ready to share. However- there are always those around me who don't appreciate my genius.
4 My thought process can be erratic and often I will blurt out allusions or loose associations- which often seem to have very little to do with the matter at hand.
5 I see into the hearts of men and women and I despair- A gloom hangs over me.
6 I often speak in figurative language- and am always in search of just the right word or metaphor.
7 I question everything and everyone- and seek to examine life up close.
8 The world is a stage and life is a canvas- I find intense joy and inspiration in almost every experience.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Ideal Trait
1 Beauty. Form- structure- and harmony bring light- order- and joy into the world.
2 Truth. A great artist shows the truth in all things- even if it is difficult.
3 Subversion. Great art is that which employs satire and wit to subtly lay bare the failings and foibles of the powerful.
4 Devotion. Art is sacred and should be used to honour the gods- ancestors and tradition.
5 Nihilism. The only truth is that there is no truth. Nothing is sacred. Dissonance and grotesquery are beautiful in their own way.
6 Creativity. The creative spirit is divine- and artistic expression is the highest calling.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 I am destined to create the world's greatest masterpiece.
2 I am willing to die for my ideals.
3 I have a duty to protect works of art- thus protecting the essence of civilization.
4 My work was plagiarized. I must set the record straight and get the credit I deserve.
5 I idolize one of the great masters.
6 I am devoted to perfecting an uncompleted work.


Please select one from the list below.

d7 Flaw Trait
1 Alcohol allows my creative spirit to flow and as such I am rarely sober.
2 I talk to myself- or the voices in my head. I'm not crazy- but people think I am.
3 I speak freely - perhaps too freely. I really don't care who I offend.
4 I am my own greatest critic- a perfectionist and full of doubts. As such I rarely see any project through to the end.
5 I sometimes let bad things happen just so I can see the how the drama will unfold.
6 I am far too eager to worship at the feet of beautiful or heroic people.
7 I have a bitter rival. Both of us will stop at nothing to see the other humiliated.