
Source: D&D Wiki (SCAR Version)

You study ancient lore and recover priceless artifacts from past civilizations and bygone ages. You preserve that which was once thought lost, and seek to uncover the forgotten stories of those who came before. Your journeys often take you to abandoned ruins far removed from the comforts of modern civilization, but there is nowhere else you’d rather be. You wish to see some of the greatest historical wonders the world has to offer, and you may someday hope to help discover some of them.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Acrobatics, History, or Persuasion
  • Tool Proficiencies: Your choice of one between Calligrapher's Supplies, Mason's Tools, or Scrimshander's Tools.
  • Languages: Two Standard languages of choice. (Two Exotic languages can be taken in place of the Tool Proficiency.)

  • Background Keepsake: A small worn object from one of your expeditions (value under 10gp)
  • Background Gold: 10gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Researcher

When doing Out of Quest Research with a skill you are proficient in, you spend 1 less downtime on the research. This increases to 2 less downtime at 5th level.


Please select TWO from the list below.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I quote historical texts and famous philosophers whenever they seem relevant to the situations I'm in.
2 I insist on checking every ruined fortress- abandoned town- and forgotten castle I come across.
3 I speak in a dull monotone that is more likely to put others to sleep than to entertain them.
4 I am more interested in the past than the present; as a result- I am mostly asocial.
5 Whenever I meet a new person- I try to learn about their history if at all possible.
6 I freely offer my knowledge to those who wish to learn- and I encourage those I know to do so as well.
7 I enjoy going through ruins for the adventure; getting to experience lost history is just a bonus.
8 Ignorance frustrates me- and I always try to correct others when they're wrong.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Ideal Trait
1 Preservation. We must protect the relics of the past- else their creators will fade from memory.
2 Betterment. By studying the mistakes of our elders- we might prevent the mistakes of our children.
3 Dominance. The past holds secrets I can use against those who oppose me.
4 Trophy. The original inventors of these relics are dead; why shouldn't I hold on to them for a while?
5 Expertise. I must become the authority in my field of study.
6 Vigil. Only by remembering the dead do we honor their accomplishments.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 I must prevent the relics of the past from falling into the hands of thieves and looters.
2 The historical works of my race must be preserved for the enrichment of future generations.
3 I work to uncover the truth of past events- even if doing so is harmful to my nation or organization.
4 My family- clan- or guild has a rich history- and I must ensure that others are aware of its importance
5 I will perform the heroic deeds that future historians will surely write about.
6 If an artifact has been entrusted to me- I will protect it at all costs- even my life.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Flaw Trait
1 I have falsely claimed to have discovered a forgotten civilization and faked evidence to support it.
2 If I ever find a relic of singular worth- I might keep it for myself…or for the merchant down the road.
3 There is an intense rivalry between myself and a particular colleague- and it often clouds my judgment.
4 I pretend to know far more than I actually do- and will often ignore any evidence that proves me wrong.
5 I care more for the money I'm paid by the museums than for the artifacts I deliver to them
6 My obsessive search for a particular object has pushed my loved ones away.