Academia Professor Assistant

Source: Shunni Homebrew

You have spent years assisting a renowned professor in their scholarly pursuits, deepening your knowledge and honing your academic skills. Whether it was in the field of magic, history, or any other field of study, you have become well-versed in research, organization, and providing support to your mentor. You have gained access to a wealth of knowledge, and your time as an assistant has opened doors for you within academic circles. You are skilled in deciphering ancient texts, conducting experiments, and aiding in the education of others. Your expertise in research and academic pursuits grants you a significant advantage when navigating academic institutions, interacting with scholars, and uncovering hidden knowledge. Whether you choose to continue serving your mentor or strike out on your own, your experience as a Professor Assistant will shape your future endeavors.

NOTE: Some backgrounds have options to choose from. Please read carefully. You may not get every proficiency listed below, as some may be a choice between one or the other.

  • Stat Options (choose either +2 in one stat and +1 in another, OR +1 in all three): Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
  • Skill Proficiencies (your choice of TWO): Arcana, History, or Investigation
  • Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher's Supplies
  • Languages: Two Standard languages of choice.

  • Background Keepsake: Worn textbook from the professor you assisted on a common topic, valued at 10gp or less.
  • Background Gold: 10gp.

Origin Feat

Origin Researcher

When doing Out of Quest Research with a skill you are proficient in, you spend 1 less downtime on the research. This increases to 2 less downtime at 5th level.


Roll or choose one of the Academic Institutions you were an assistant for

1 Conclave of Silverymoon (Silverymoon)

2 New Olamn (Waterdeep)

3 Republic Academia (Stillwater)


Please select TWO from the list below.

d6 Personality Trait
1 I have a logical and analytical mind- always seeking to understand the world through a rational lens.
2 I approach tasks and problems with a systematic and organized approach- ensuring thoroughness and accuracy.
3 My enthusiasm for my field of study is infectious- and you can't help but share your excitement with others.
4 I have an insatiable curiosity about the world around myself- always asking questions and seeking new information.
5 I have a keen eye for details and have developed a strong sense of observation throughout my academic pursuits.
6 I have an insatiable thirst to collect knowledge but no desire to share it with others.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Ideal Trait
1 Determined. I believe that knowledge is power and that the pursuit of knowledge should be one's highest priority.
2 Organized. I value academic achievements and the power of proper organization and follow-through.
3 Generous. I believe that knowledge should be shared freely with others for the betterment of society.
4 Honesty. I am dedicated to finding and uncovering the truth- no matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable it may be.
5 Innovative. I believe in pushing the boundaries of knowledge and exploring new ideas and concepts.
6 Secretive. Not all knowledge should be shared with the world.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Bond Trait
1 I discovered a hint towards a secret I have been searching for my whole career.
2 I am deeply committed to my mentor and seek to follow in their footsteps.
3 I have worked with preserving historical artifacts throughout my career and will preserve the knowledge for future generations.
4 I have set out to discover the truth behind a mystery or legend, no matter the cost.
5 I have taken on an apprentice and it is my duty to train them in the importance of knowledge.
6 I have uncovered an unreadable script or map that I believe is important, and will keep it secret until I discover its properties.


Please select one from the list below.

d6 Flaw Trait
1 I am overly critical of myself and others and have difficulty accepting anything less than perfection.
2 My mind is constantly preoccupied with thoughts and ideas- causing me to often forget simple tasks or details.
3 My dedication to academia has left me with underdeveloped social skills- making it challenging for me to connect with others.
4 My insatiable curiosity often leads me into dangerous situations or causes me to neglect other responsibilities.
5 I have a tendency to get lost in my own thoughts- making it difficult for me to focus on the present moment.
6 I have a habit of hoarding discoveries for myself- secreting the knowledge away with mistrust of others.